my lawyer friend came and for a moment she and her friend talked, and blurred out something like “i cannot be as 瀟洒 as you, threw away/let go of everything and just left …”
it all started when she all of a sudden talked about “air-ticket”, saying it was cheap and it cost her only $900 for a around trip ticket, so i told her “wo, that is not bad, consider i paid $800 f0r my one-way ticket~”
then her reaction was, “wo! one-way ticket ah~, why not buy the open tickets?”
i answered, “because it is only good for 1-year …”
yes, cause when i bought the ticket, i did not know when to go back anyway … no other choice but to have to choose 1-way ticket.”
but of course, in american english, one-way ticket is used to show “determination”, so i guess it sounded determined to her.
she also asked me, “have you gotten used to living here?” (since her another friend also lived here but not like it here, but rather live in houston, wow, ok …)
i told her right away, “i got used to it even before i came.”
and she was laughing a little. haha. but it is also true, u know.