Super Supporters」カテゴリーアーカイブ

April 2


I think this is ONE GOOD candy.

Taste good and the shape looks cute.

I accidentally find this in one of the new store inside the 新宿 station.

200+ yen … what do you think.

I esp. like the 半透明 soft candies … that was why.


The above also taste ok, but … almost 150 yen and it did not last very long … so few inside and … light …

April 1


sometimes you just really really have an urge to eat SOBA.

but the above is from 大戸屋、soba was kind of soft …

but the taste is good.

and it is close to the work place, comparing to the real tasty and cheap SOBA place.

March 4


I really have to stop this.

Almost every day, I had to stop by the snack store.

And I am not talking about just 1, but at least a few.

Recently, even though the Japanese snack seems SOOOOO healthy and delicious compare to the US sugar junk,

I am starting to あきる 。。。

And with the 8% sales tax now, really have to rethink my “lunch overspending” habit.

So poor …

March 3


The snow was not all bad for me.

Snowing is romantic, but only when if you can mostly stay indoor or VERY CLOSE to home.

The TV was broadcasting crazily about the heavy snow and all,

but compare to the -70 degree celsius that I had when I was in Minnesota,

the amount Tokyo had was like a child’s play.

But cute.

March 2


Yes, this photo is from March.

This year, during March, Tokyo has been snowing …

A couple days the snow was SOOOO full that it completely covers all streets.

Sometimes it gets really tall.

But after a few days, when it melts, only the hardest “snow” left.

That meant “ice”.

残り生きるのは、いつも the toughest モノだよね、と感じる。

March 1


This photo is actually from last month.

As you can see, it is about Valentine Day.

I almost did not notice it because it was soooo unnoticeable …

… on a very hidden wall.

The message is cute, extra food for couples …

But how sad it would be for ppl who just had their heart broken and see this …

February 4


Found this in McDonald.

Not very stand out but I happened to sit next to this so I realized its existence.

What really made me thinking is, what will happen to the people that want a partner soooooo bad but cannot, … and see something like this … 苦しくない? What will they think?

Valentine Day なんて、to some people,  残酷な日々かもしれませんね。

February 3


Just look at this … speechless.

How can something on earth be THIS cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are many stickers I want to buy, but come to think of it, they are only digital “stuff”, like the things that I make every day. There are many people not appreciating it. And there are also people like me, appreciate it, but not see the value of buying it sometimes because I know so fully how this is made …


February 2


It was big and I intentionally size this down, it was too big, right?

I love this chicken steak, it really tasted good.

I think ordered this with my student.

At first I really was not used to his way his talking, and soooo sooo sooo many times I just wanted to tell him not to contact me again, but since he is so willing to come all the way here to get just 1.5 hour lesson, and he is generous, I tried to hold my impatience …

And now, who would have thought he has become so easy to talk to.

And I do not find him boring anymore.

Last time, we talked about nuclear, and I really enjoyed hearing his opinion and explanations. So easy to understand.

And I even gave him chocolate since we met right before Valentine Day!

Never thought I would do something like that to him.

He is a good student. What can I say.

February 1



I cannot resist the dessert in Family Restaurants.

Their photos look good, and they always deliver what they are supposed to …

iphone is AWESOME !!!!!!!! look at this!!!! even an 素人 like me can take something like that.