
Summer is good!

Needed to go to Ikebukuro yesterday, and was lucky to catch some matsuri going at the East side.

This huge thing is actually carried by a human. And somehow they manage to dance while carrying O_O

If you look close enough – there’s a procession of the same thingies behind the farthest bus.


And here’s source of yesterday’s horror. Take a look at the size of 2 guys in the middle.
To make things “better”, they’re high-school students. This means they’re 16-17 or so.

Shimo Kitazawa!

Went with friends to play, and here’s what I’ve got:

This set of glasses was the first thing I’ve got <3 It has piglet not behaving because his mother went out and realising what's going to happen with him in the end.

New cover for sofa – I really need it, because it started to look ugly

Happy Bath Day! I finally found it 🙂 The best thing? It was with 20% discount :3 Considering that you won’t really find these products at other places, maybe people of Shimo-Kitazawa don’t like NewS that much 😉 It’s soap and body soap.

Next we hit Uniqlo where I got some clothes for autumn <3 I don't think you can really tell from the pic, but vest is brown.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, not really today but who cares. I’ve got these from UFO catchers.

2 Rirakkumas, 1 care bear (you can’t be serious saying that it’s GLOOMY because he’s OMG SO ADORABLE), aluminium bottle, again with Rirakkuma.

My favorite would be this pirate 🙂 This is special edition for Halloween.

All the things cute <3

I had some free time today and decided to hit Kiddy Land in Harajuku.
This is what I ended up with 🙂

First we have my greatest love of all things cute. Capibara-san. This rat is still keeping my mind and takes a lot of coins in game centers ~_~

So, numbers are:
1 – seal packages. Inside are small stickers.
2 – magnet board! Magnets are on the list with number. Now I only need to find a place for it on the shelf…
3 – CUP! I WON A CUP! And it’s White-san! *dances* <– I think I need to be placed in mental ward here ~_~
4 – small fluffy mascot. Haven’t decided what I’ll do with it yet.

And on to other cute things ^^”’

What do we have here… From top left counter clock-wise.
Plastic file with Mamegoma – it has inner pockets, and I’m planning to use it instead of my K8 Maru one. It’s just too strange to get documents out of file with him at official places ~_~
3 packs of stickers – it’s winter season officially, and I need to make sure I’m prepared  (O.O) I have snowflakes, bears and glittery circles.
Next is eraser – see next pic for details 😉
And top right is letter set. Can you guess why I couldn’t miss it? 😉

Close-up of mamegoma eraser – it actually has small one in the shape of seal inside. So if you shake the main one – small one inside moves.

It's not all ponies and rainbows

Just felt the need to share because this is truly amazing.


In order to get part-time work officially you have to apply with immigration office for change of status. To be able to do this you have to explain what work you’ll be doing, where, for which company and which hours. All this on the paper from THE company that wishes to hire you. After that, if everything’s OK, they’re going to issue you permit, allowing you to work at this exact hours and at this exact company. Sounds not that bad? Right.

There’s one big “BUT” right here.

In order to use services of official agency that can help you FIND said part-time work, you have to bring in permit for extra activities outside of your visa.
Basically the document that you’ll be given AFTER you’ll get part-time work.

I’m sitting here seriously wondering how on earth they came up with this perfect scheme. Wonder what else they have hidden *_*


It happened couple days ago.

I was riding a train home, after having to work half of the night and then going to school after about 4 hours of sleep. So let’s just say it didn’t work well. I tried not to sleep on the train, because being so sleepy would possibly mean I’ll miss my stop. And all I wanted was to get home and fall on the bed. Anyways.
It takes 8 stations to reach mine, and from about the second one I suddenly started to smell boiled corn. Smell was pretty strong, and I can’t say I’m a fan. Small thing before that – there was a guy sitting across, really strange. Try to think of – not washing his head in about a week, eyes looking in different directions, not shaved, clothes all dirty etc. So this guy was STARING at me. How do I know, with his eyes being like that? Every time I was even glancing in his general direction, he jumped and turned head to window real fast. Creepy, lol.
So, back to corn. I discovered that old guy, who was sitting at the corner of the same seat as me, munching on the said corn. Blergh. Anyways, this wasn’t the best/worst part. After about 3 stations he finished with his snack, so I happily went back to trying not to fall asleep. Finally it was my station, and it happened that it was corn-guy’s too. I got up when the doors were already open, and this is where I noticed that he stuck the rest of his corn in plastic bag and just left it on the seat. Not thinking properly at the moment, I grabbed the bag on the way out. But instead of just throwing it in the garbage bin they have at the station – right at the gates, let me tell you, I gave it back to the guy saying “Sorry, you forgot this”. He didn’t say a word and I realised that it wasn’t really polite only after I walked about 20-30m out of the gates. I wonder how it looked though, lol. I was about twice his size, to boot.

Soooooo, this is a story I wanted to tell you today.

I'm stupid

So apparently I can’t balance 4 things. Real life, fandom, work and school. Work is out of question – I have to do it in any case, and not only because I need to.
School is the reason I came here, so out too.

I’m possibly able to balance onen more thing with more or less success, but. I don’t want to miss either of them.
I’ve tried to deal with everything for the last 2 week, but it just gave me huge headache. And things started falling out – I started to forget things, and really important ones. Well,. nothing major I can’t fix for now though. But the feeling is not good at all.

On the brighter side – I was able to find Crocks sandals I don’t hate. And they had my size too :3

Life and politics

Ok, I’m not too interested in politics usually. More like I’m trying not to touch it at all.
But what’s going on right now with the world and Russia in particular is scaring me like shit.

The problem is – I can’t really say that it doesn’t concern me, with me now living in another country. But Russia still has my family, my friends. To the unimaginary level. I’m scared. Really scared of what can it turn to.

Heh, even people in US I’m speaking now for work are asking – how you can guarantee that if we’re going to work with your company, this relationship will not be affected by preparations for new “cold war”. It’s exact quote of what the person said. At first I was all WTF inside, but after thinking a bit I can’t help but admit that he was right. This whole new cold war situation is insane. I do understand that Russia needs to get back to being strong country. But can it use some.. peaceful ways?


Ooooooooook. I’m usually not the person with obsessions. But here’s rare exception.

Here’s the little @#$%@$#%er I’ve been trying to get from UFO Catcher machines since last year. Yep, you’ve read it right. One year. In vain.

This creature is called Capibara-san. *grinds teeth* And it’s uncapturable. At least for me. Try to imagine my desperation when today some guy got _2_ of these rats out in 3 tries. And I couldn’t get even one in 9.


One of the main blows, I think, came when St. Petersburg zoo stopped showing capibara in their collection. So when I was all – OMG LET’S GO AND SEE IT! I was presented with something else in the cage where it was. Don’t even remember who was the replacement.

Ah, and here’s the real thing <3 *punches cheeks*