
Enoshima pix

Finally I had time to work on these pix 🙂 And I must admit – my head is not working properly because of the heat. So nothing big, just small comments to each of the pix. Feel free to ask if you want more detailed explanation of something.

Statue you see on the bridge from the station. Right – to the Enoshima, left – to the Enoden station

From the bridge

Dragon lamp. They get all pretty-shiny in the evening.


View from the top of the first escalator station

I still have no idea what’ll happen with you if you cross this gate. So I haven’t tried to go through.



View at the boat harbour

Some flowers on the way to the second escalator station

Bridge you have to cross to get to Enoshima

At the second escalator station 🙂

This cat didn’t even move when I got closer to take a pic. I assume it was to hot to move 🙂

I think you’ve seen this guy already 🙂

Garbage cans

Garden near observatory at the top of the island

Some monuments from South Korea, commemorating the friendship between 2 countries. Insert some sarcasm here.

Chinese pavilion


This is how observatory looks from below

Views from observatory. Take a good look at the third and ninth pics 😉



Top of the observatory

After going all the way up I decided to go all the way down to the Enoshima caves.

I wonder if this number is still working..

Way down

He was absolutely ignoring everyone who tried to talk with him 🙂

Stairs down. I try not to think about how I got back up actually >.<

Garden cafe I met on the way. I was actually thinking about making a stop there on the way back but was too tired to remember this 🙂

Observatory from the stairs

View of the cliff


At the entrance to the first cave. They give you small candle to go through the cave.

View from inside of the gallery to the second cave.

Dragon hiding inside the cave. They also had his roar playing over sound system.
Pic is not that good 🙁

Sea view on the way up

I wonder what happened with all these couples..


I took a trip at Enoden – kind of tramway they have between Enoshima and Kamakura. This is the train I’ll take to the Fujisawa station.


This is view of Kamakura station


To think of it, i have no idea since when going to Enoshima became such an obsession.
But here I am, riding odakyu limited express, waiting for my transfer at Fujisawa. Maybe it’s the sea, maybe surfers. Or maybe it’s Enoden, old screeching train we rode last year.

It’s funny how in my mind Enoshima became such a calm place. Another place with the same effect for me is pacific coast of Chiba. But at least here I can understand why. Too much advertising from a certain sea-obsessed idol, heh.

Anyway, I sure hope they have some good eating places there, as I’m starting to get hungry. What to eat….



OK, what’s the best a girl can do with her free time on Saturday night? Why of course, have some deserved relaxation time.

Which included reading very very good and very very smutty True Blood fic. Of 78 chapters. And it’s still WIP, sadly.
Been reading that monster of fic until 5 am *_*

Only 2 episodes of CM and Fringe left for this season. But luckily both were picked up for the next round. Though I’ll have to think of filling the void in between the seasons. Lie to Me, Tudors aaaaaaaaand True Blood should help somehow.

Nothing been going on with me in Johnnys department due to personal reasons, and I think I still need time to process where I stand with it. But love is here, so not really hoping on leaving them completely 🙂 Possibly just changing the direction of the whole being a fan thing.


Visual-kei band Λucifer, which broke up in 2003, is reuniting this summer. They are scheduled to perform a concert in Tokyo on August 31, plus additional shows in Osaka and Nagoya.

I’ve been dying to see them live since I’ve watched Kaikan Phrase. Please let me get the tickets ;_;


I wonder why almost every japanese service site – like post or.. well, something else, has absolutely useless English sections. It’s like – we’ll have our corporate information here, but not any useful info about services. So what should a person not knowing Japanese do? Go and bug poor workers at this service? Why don’t make at least minimal information available? like – if you want to send letter, do this, if you want to send money via registered mail, do this blah blah.

Well, it’s mostly rant, because I can either dig info on Japanese site (with some time and help of rikai firefox extension) or ask workers with minimal disturbance (I hope). But anyways.