Former Hikaru Genji member Akira Akasaka (36) received an 18-month prison sentence in his drug trial on Tuesday.
Because this latest offense took place during the suspension period, he will have to serve that sentence as well, increasing his prison time to a total of 3 years.
Johnnys news
Hey YOU!
JR and random
Nice fast trip I had planned was ruined by not working semaphore somewhere around Nagoya. Had to wait around 2 hours for the next train. In the crowd of other unlucky passengers.
Anyways, am finally here <3 Not sure if I'll go back on Monday or decide to stay for 1 more day. Will see.
In other news – my addiction has reached new levels. Was browsing Animate yaoi section yesterday because I was feeling down and needed something to distract me. And found precious gem of art. Namely – Kanuchi. It's otome game for PS2, and I'm currently considering getting the console for playing this only game. Yeah, am pathetic. Or passionate about my addictions %)
PS. And here’s my another kink going into play. I couldn’t help but think of Hotch/Reid looking at this pic. It doesn’t help that the character on the right is stoic and tragic and he only opens up for this blond boy – his partner in the team. Yes, I know, I’m crazy. Well, he opens up to the main heroine, who sometimes looks suspiciosly JJ like, but I shall ignore it. No offence, JJ.
Also. Discovered that Mandarake HAS section for Criminal Minds doujinshi. Will have to reid Nakano Broadway upon returning to Tokyo.
Dear subconsious,
Please kindly refrain from showing me the same kind of dreams like I’ve had last night.
While bastard!Hotch was kinda cool and it made me shiver, including Gideon in my dream was not.
Though thank you for NOT including him in any part near hot stuff.
No love, me
P.S. More Dr. Reid tnxbye.
February is ending..
I still have basically none of free time, so stealing hours from sleep time to do the things I want to do. Which amuses me a bit, because I think it’s mostly the tries to escape the thoughts of real world.
Been also thinking about my current favourite fic writers team. And kinda wondering what would happen if I still kept contact with “love of my life”. Which is – nothing good btw, but hey, wondering would never hurt 🙂
We’re changing the menu in the restaurant from March 1st, and I need to remember all the names of the dishes.
Ah, screw it. I’m in depressing mood lately and need something bright and shiny to breath out. Or some donuts, because it can never hurt. Wonder if we manage to finish early today and I’ll have time to go to Mr. Donuts.
Yes, I know it’s random, but bear with me. I’m stupid today.
Naughty naughty
Quick update
Gave up and ordered Ciel magazine from Amazon. And a couple of others which seemed interesting.
Seriously wanted to get Tres Tres issue from February, but it’s sold out everythere. I can try and get it from Amazon Market, but with attachment included it’s 800 yen+. *sigh* So no Suzuki-san bag for me. Though I could possibly reconsider.
Had wonderful time with a friend <3 First Shibuya, after that – Roppongi. Totally mabushii %)
And speaking with her made me realise something again. I have my ichibans-nibans-nanbans and all. But overall I think I mostly fit as "panjohnnys" fan. I like too many of them to be bound by only one fandom. Hm. To think of it I'm not sure if I even NEED any fandom to swoon over some of them.
This is also the reason my room is full of whole magazines. Sanity tells me I should just cut out the articles/posters I want and throw outgive to someone the rest. But I like too many of them to do so. And this possibly also has something to do with my bookworm childhood. Because I'm appaled even by writing inside a book with a pen. Oh the horrors!
WordPress update
Discovered that most of my January posts didn’t publish correctly ~_~ Had to go back and re-publish them. Hope it’ll be OK now.
Even with newest technology it doesn’t hurt to double check every time.
I'm so happy I'm almost crying
Gave up and ordered Ciel magazine from Amazon. And a couple of others which seemed interesting.
Seriously wanted to get Tres Tres issue from February, but it’s sold out everythere. I can try and get it from Amazon Market, but with attachment included it’s 800 yen+. *sigh* So no Suzuki-san bag for me. Though I could possibly reconsider.
Had wonderful time with a friend yesteday <3 First Shibuya, after that – Roppongi. Totally mabushii %)
And speaking with her made me realise something again. I have my ichibans-nibans-nanbans and all. But overall I think I mostly fit as "panjohnnys" fan. I like too many of them to be bound by only one fandom. Hm. To think of it I'm not sure if I even NEED any fandom to swoon over some of them.
This is also the reason my room is full of whole magazines. Sanity tells me I should just cut out the articles/posters I want and throw outgive to someone the rest. But I like too many of them to do so. And this possibly also has something to do with my bookworm childhood. Because I'm appaled even by writing inside a book with a pen. Oh the horrors!