While I should’ve been sleeping for 20 minutes already, I’m obviously not.
Here, have some pix from today then 🙂
First and most important one – I couldn’t miss this miracle today. It’s flannel fur coat. Everything else you can see from the pic 😉
Alley near Nishidai station. And yes, it’s 16th of November, why do you ask? XD
This building is actually a toy shop. Windows are filled with small mecha and pokemon/other figurines. Need to be brave and go inside to see if I can take some pictures. Wonder how the owner looks like.
So. I’ve been watching this CM a lot lately, and it’s… working. While I don’t fantasize about Matsujun being my “warming up together boyfriend”, he’s still good. And he was amazing in Tokyo Tower movie, so still holds a bit of my heart.
And I ate it today! The most amazing (and smart for KFC) thing is that you can choose something instead of fries. Options are coleslaw salad, corn salad or M size drink O/. I opted for coleslaw.
The pie – it’s.. disturblingly amazing. Stew inside is perfect and the bread outlay is soft and crispy at the same time.
Here’s chicken part – not so good to my taste, but OK.
No pix of the full intact set because I started eating it before remembering I need to take a picture 🙂