

While I should’ve been sleeping for 20 minutes already, I’m obviously not.
Here, have some pix from today then 🙂

First and most important one – I couldn’t miss this miracle today. It’s flannel fur coat. Everything else you can see from the pic 😉


Alley near Nishidai station. And yes, it’s 16th of November, why do you ask? XD

This building is actually a toy shop. Windows are filled with small mecha and pokemon/other figurines. Need to be brave and go inside to see if I can take some pictures. Wonder how the owner looks like.

So. I’ve been watching this CM a lot lately, and it’s… working. While I don’t fantasize about Matsujun being my “warming up together boyfriend”, he’s still good. And he was amazing in Tokyo Tower movie, so still holds a bit of my heart.

And I ate it today! The most amazing (and smart for KFC) thing is that you can choose something instead of fries. Options are coleslaw salad, corn salad or M size drink O/. I opted for coleslaw.

The pie – it’s.. disturblingly amazing. Stew inside is perfect and the bread outlay is soft and crispy at the same time.

Here’s chicken part – not so good to my taste, but OK.

No pix of the full intact set because I started eating it before remembering I need to take a picture 🙂

Tokyo Dome City Xmas illumination

Oooooook, it’s time for this year’s one 🙂


This is what you see when you walk from Suidobashi station to LaQua shopping mall 🙂

First you’re greeted with Pegasuses/Unicorns with Xmas bells.
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This is how it looks if you turn back after passing them


Passing the Dome itself.
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Next you get to the Dream Ship zone *_* The blue lines above are made to imitate waves.
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Christmas tree at the entrance to LaQua passage

Lights way. Each frame changes colour, so you have moving rainbow.

Aaaaaaaaand this is what you see in the small foodcourt area 😉

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This years love mandala. No video, because it’s the same as the last years’ 🙂

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Huge balls at the entrance to LaQua
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Again, view on mandala from upper floor.

Some of the Xmas cakes at Baskin Robbins
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Moomin cafe display

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Went to Harajuku today to see if they have anything new with Capibara-san at Kiddy Land. They didn’t. Decided to check if they have anything interesting at Laforete, and this is what I saw upon getting out O_o


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I seriously adore Notoya

I think I wrote about this shop before, but just in case you don’t know what it is. It’s clothes shop, and you have no idea how cheap it is. For example – this is knitted dress, perfect for winter, which I’ve got there today:


Want to guess how much was it? Well, you lost. 400 yen. Yes, you’ve read it right. 400 YEN. For big size winter dress.
I’m kinda happy I’m a big girl, because my wallet would die a terrible death as soon as I’d find this shop. In case you want to check it out – main shop is located near Shimo-Akatsuka station, and there’s another one near Takashimadaira. Lucky 😉

And this is winter hat I knitted myself Photobucket

Happy coming winter to everyone 🙂


Went to IKEA with Yuuki. Got myself long-needed boxes for stuff. Cheap AND cute. Also, they had sale of set of 17 food containers for 500 yen.
But the main thing I can’t stop being happy about, is CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEE

EEEEEEEEEE! Though package is small, but anyways. Was having cheese withdrawals like you won’t belive it.

Went to LALAPORT after that, wanted to get long knitted orange dress – it was on sale even! But with today being Sunday, it was crowded as hell. So waiting time for the register was around 15 mins. Insane. So decided not to torture Yuuki and skipped it. Will need to check at LaQua’s shop if they have it on sale too. (upd: it didn’t -_- but I got really cute dress at Notoya – check latest post)

In other news – Kinki Kids on SMAPxSMAP tomorrow. And I don’t work! Finally I’ll be able to see the show %)


One of the girls who live on my floor started singing lessons 🙂 Or she’s just like to sing 🙂  Kinda reminds me of an old house, where one of my neighbours played guitar. A lot.

Thankfully this time it’s more pleasant 🙂

And blah, I forgot to go to supermarket to get something to eat in the morning tomorrow. Will have to think of something then. Maybe Saizeriya *_*