finally! the hot summer seems ALL over, and now comes this breezy season!!!! isn’t that awesome!!!! i have been waiting for this for sooooo long, finally do not have to sweat every single time you step out of the door.
the whole summer, i was almost never even once able to open the window of my room, not that i dislike the outdoor so much that i have to make myself stuck with the air from the AC, it is just TOO 蒸し暑い that letting the outside air in for one minute might already suffocate you. haha.
and now, as i am writing this blog, my big window is wide open, (well, the window here not as big as one of my lovely housemates, but big enough to allow a decent view to be seen~) fresh air coming in, soooo nice. and just made me realize once again how fortunate i am, to be able to live so comfortably, i really have no complain …
thanks to my manager IIO san, i am able to have this room. he is such a nice person.