The day I went fuji Q was the day I conquered my fear. All the roller coasters are crazy scary. First time I saw it, I didn’t think I will ride on them. I mean most of them. We went on “Nagashimasuka” which we all get wet heavily. I liked FUJIYAMA the most. It is longest roller coaster apparently. I liked the feeling that I am in the air! I liked it except falling.I would say that day was fun because of that members. You know, if I went with other people there, it would have felt differently. it became one of the best memory in my guest house life:) <font size="3" face="Arial, 'Arial New', '
月別アーカイブ: 2009年6月
Crazy day @ Fuji Q
結構前になっちゃいましたが、プレミア東十条のメンバー5人ぷらす1人で1日富士急ハイランドに行ってきました♪私は実は仙台の実家にいたんですが、楽しそう過ぎて超強行スケジュールで東京にとんぼがえりして参加。その翌日は朝の10時から車の教習が入っていて(もちろん仙台で)始発の新幹線で帰る予定でした。が、しかし、あまりにも日曜日にハッスルしすぎて寝坊しました(汗) でも教習に間に合わないと大変なきちきちスケジュールだったので、ちょーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー走りました。髪も顔もおきたまんま、ぱじゃまだけ投げ捨てて(へやに)上野駅までいきました。で、間に合ったのです!教習所のチャイムと同時に到着!!!!教習所って一瞬遅れただけでも受けられなくなるから本気でぎりぎりセーフでした..で、肝心の富士急ハイランドですが、もちろんさいっっこおに楽しかったですよ!!!!正直楽しみと恐怖半々でしたが、世界一歩く距離が長いというお化け屋敷はいかずにすんだし、 絶叫コースターを全クリしたので満足でした!頭と足が逆さまになりながらコース自体がねじれたりフープになっているという「ええじゃないか」はなにも「ええ」ことはありません。本気で目開けられませんでした。怖すぎて。でもなんていうんでしょうか。「恐怖心に打ち勝った!」というあの達成感。自分の人生好きで歩いてますが、もっと自分が好きになれた1日でした!「恐怖」が好きな人は必ず行くと良いと思います。乗り物、「いちいち」怖いので。
I am in Sendai about a month now. I’ve just stayed here to get a car license and finally I could graduate the Learning school today! You know, there are one wired thing happened to me which I thought “I wanna finish this school as soon as possible” for the first time, but now I feel like “I gonna miss this school”…Anyways, I am planning to back my room in Higashi jujo soon. Hopefully, there are no GOKIBURI in my room anymore. I can’t kill them by myself really. When I get back there, I hope there will be a fun party like we did several time when I was there, so I can forget the sad good-bye in here.
朝 洗顔するときには洗面台を磨くのが日課になっています。
Green Tea & Fresh Leaves
I Can’t really think of much to write about, having no money to do anything interesting of late. In order to receive money to continue my wacky adventures I opened a Japanese bank account today. The fun part was picking which of the 32 colours I wanted my card to be. I settled on “Green Tea” , although I was strongly leaning towards going with “Fresh Leaves” as well.
My initial reaction was to go with “Fresh Leaves”,as it’s a more vibrant, limey green colour, giving off a more exciting aura. Imagine all the wild withdrawals I could of had with a crazy colour like “Fresh Leaves” . “Straw Hat” and “Chocolate Mocha” also entered the equation as I had never seen a brown coloured bank card before and thought that’d be quite interesting as well, although I soon realised that after the novelty of having such unique coloured card wore off, all I’d be left with was a drab piece of plastic. In the end it was the more understated, murkier and classier colour of “Green Tea” that won me over. Though I may always wonder what could of been…
First teaching lesson
My first teaching lesson went well. I now can say I have a job. I have two students and two possible. Hope to get more and and build up on students. Soon I would like to get a regular 9 to 5, but for now this is good.