月別アーカイブ: 2009年6月
















>.< studying …

level 2 exam is coming, and i am not doing good in studying, because i have to catch up more than half year of NOT studying or paying attention in class … wow, great. anyhow, i have the mock today, for just a section of the test, and ya, bad …

i think my chance of passing is like … less than 50% for sure, it will take a miracle to make me pass it … M I R A C L E …

and so what if i don’t pass it this time, am i in such a hurry, yes and no …

Head like a F#cking Orange

 Here’s some excerpts from the the diary of the funniest man in the world, Karl Pilkington. It’s more entertaining than anything I could ever write an its a lazy excuse for a blog. Best to not make a habit of this, anyways enjoy! (if anyone actually reads this besides my girlfriend…. or maybe John)

Woke up to the news that Tony Banks had died. There was a piece on the news about how everyone was shocked. Got me thinking about an invention: a watch that counted down your life. If it said you’ve got three days left, go to the doctors. Told Suzanne  about invention. She said she wouldn’t buy one. But she said that about the iPod.

A fella on the plane was reading Coy Mag. It was a fishing magazine. I glanced over and noticed he was reading the Pond of the Month article. Don’t think they could make it into a weekly magazine. There was a really fat bloke on the plane. He was playing on his PSP. While I waited to go to the toilet, I looked at what game he was playing. It was darts. He’s that fat and lazy he can’t face playing a more active game on a games console.

Sat next to an old fella. Old men’s ears and noses carry on growing as they get older. Suzanne noticed his fingers were fat too. Maybe they continue to grow. Suzanne didn’t laugh when I said that her arse had the same problem.

 Funny right? Here’s great poem by the guy as well.

Bubbled wallpaper, what a mess.
Washer dryer knackered, what a mess.
Siamese twins seperated, one leg less.


Ever since I moved into  my guest-house in Tokyo, I have lived along side a real deceptive character. He is quite elusive as he goes by a variety of aliases, but generally he is known as Manny!!!!(or Manichan by the Japanese people in our house). When I first met him he like seemed generally normal, though not soon after he began to move in strange ways, almost disturbing ways. His actions were not easy to turn a blind eye to……then the costumes started.

One day he would look altogether normal, then the next he’d be sporting a strange white hat made of  paper. I did think to myself that this was slightly odd but in all fairness he wasn’t doing anyone any harm.

A week later he took the leap from odd, to out right bizarre. He was standing  in the living room, wrapped head to toe in aluminum foil, impersonating the Tin man from The Wizard of Oz. As the weeks went on  he has been dressed as a wizard, a rag cladded bum and an Egyptian mummy, terrorizing everyone in the house. His most recent attire is a flouro green and pink Mohawk and an electric guitar.

I guess I shouldn’t be too  critical as his wardrobe selection is involuntary and he is  a 1 foot tall wooden mannequin.

Fighting with Dell support.

Decided to write it in a form of travelog.

So. We have:
a faulty Dell XPS M1330 laptop with NVIDIA GPU issue, bought in US, currently in Japan

We need:
to replace motherboard under extended warranty

Step 1: Contact support

We start at Dell website, where we acquire phone numbers for US and Japan support lines.

Failure: Call to Japan lines reveals need to input Express Service Code to be allowed through the automated message.

Step 1.1: Find Service tag and Express Service Code

After a long search on US website we find vague instructions about tag which supposed to be on the backside of the laptop.

Step 1.2: Figure out correct tag

Attached picture shows not one but THREE tags, with numbers blurred out and correct one not separated from others at all. On top of that, correct tag is shown vertically, along with another, incorrect one. The only tag visible horizontally is Windows license tag.

Step 1.3: Find anything resembling that tag on the actual laptop.

Failure: A stripe of white paper is where tag was supposed to be.

Step 1a: Contact support (without service number)

Step 1a.1: Find any other means of contact on Japanese site

Failure: email requires service number.

Step 2: Use online chat feature on US site (general support)

Failure: service number is required.

Solution! Enter random numbers until one is accepted and chat session is initiated.

Step 2.1: Provide support with means to find your service number

Old emails are searched, Customer Number and Dell Purchase ID is procured. Support was able to provide us with Service tag number and Express Service code.

Step 3: Contact Dell support in Japan to have motherboard replaced.

Support line is called, Express Service code is input….

Failure: Express Service Code is not recognized.

Step 3.1: Contact online consultant from Japanese site (XPS support)

Failure: Express Service Code is not recognized.

Use random number that worked on US site.

Failure: Express Service Code is not recognized.

Step 4: Contact online consultant from US site (XPS support)

Step 4.1: Wait to be connected

Went from 20 to 7 in 20 mins, after which queue number wasn’t updated for 30 mins and chat request had to be restarted. Got from 25 to 14, gave up.

Step 4.2: Try general chat

Connected immediately. Rep tried to say that we’re in the wrong chat, requested help with the number, sent to XPS chat, got disconnected!

Step 5: Try XPS chat while restarting general

After 40 minutes in queue XPS chat goes through!

Step 6: Explain the issue to Indian supporter

Suggestion to address Japan Dell Support.

Step 7: Explain supporter that it’s impossible to contact Japan Dell Support

Offered a direct support number which will not require Service Code.

Failure: Offer forgotten as apparently such number doesn’t exist.

Step 8: Get supporter to request contact from Japanese support or organize delivery

Supporter started going to various manuals, asking questions such as “Did you run diagnostics?”, “Did you check your bios?” despite being told previously that due to video chip failure nothing is displayed on screen AT ALL (well, aside from multitude of vertical lines).

Failure: Apparently they have no ways of contacting Japanese support or in any way affecting them, they have to be contacted directly (which we cannot do for above mentioned reasons).

Step 8a: Meanwhile, in general chat…

We’re told that only hardware is under warranty, so technician visit will have to be paid.

Step 9: Call international support line

Since initial warranty wasn’t international, we need to transfer it to Japan, which we explain to supporter on the phone.

Step 10: Refuse to buy a year of international warranty

Repeat step 10
Repeat step 10
Repeat step 10

Finally, suggestion to buy a one-time support deal on site! Scream that yes, YES we want to buy it but we CAN’T! We’re now informed that we need to call another number to deal with this. Number and extension is confirmed several times with the person on the phone

Step 11: Call offered number

Failure: Extension doesn’t exist!

Step 12: Back to online chat

Two options:
1. Buy motherboard from Dell (even though it’s supposed to be covered by extended warranty? what?), have it sent to Japan, have Japanese tech come and replace it.
2. Transfer warranty rights to Japan, have motherboard covered by warranty, have Japanese tech come and replace it.

Easy choice!

Step 13: Transfer warranty to Japan

To transfer warranty to Japan, we need…. to call Japanese support.

Step 13a: Miraculous transfer of warranty!

Turns out US support CAN transfer rights to other countries after all.

Step 14: Finally send mail to Japanese support

This was already late at night – around 5 am Japanese time, after about 6 hours of uninterrupted support struggle. So next step came almost instantly, even though it took several hours for Japanese support to reply to mail.

Step 15: Get Japanese support reply

Their ruling is that after rights transfer everything will be done.

Stay tuned for updates 🙂  Laptop is not working, so updating from lounge PC. Thank god we have one in this house 🙂





ブレーメン商店街のコンコルドでパンの耳Get! 74円♪























今、お香をたいています。以前かったものが、まだ余っているので使ってます。 お香って結構、匂いがきついですよね。小さな部屋などで炊いたら煙たくて、咳き込みするだろうな。


まぁまぁ。な匂いです。 皆さん、部屋でお香やアロマなど使ってますか?

良い匂いは、精神を癒してくれますよね。 不思議です。




A「これ難しいよね クリアできない」
B「うーん 私には無理だわ みとくだけでいいや」
カナダ人T「I used to play this game but I forgot 」

A「はい どうぞ(君にできるかなぁ?)」

ムムム うまい!うちらがクリアできなかったところをいとも簡単にやってのけたM君、
