月別アーカイブ: 2009年7月












あの時こうしていなければ、この人にはあわなかったかもしれない。オークハウスにきてからの出会いを思い出してしんみりすることがあります。そう、オークハウスに 住んでいなかったら、出会えなかった人ばかりです。たまたま、新規オープン家賃6ヶ月間割引につられて新高島平から引っ越してきたオークハウス読売ランド(ここの元マネージャーのA氏も契約の時 いましたよね・・・)あの時引っ越してこなければ今の僕はいないでしょう。そしてたくさんの人と友達になりました。パーティも たのしかったなぁ・・・いつか帰国したみんなの国へ旅をするのもいいなぁなんて想像するのも楽しいね。(宿泊代浮くし ははは)目の前には今月いっぱいで韓国へ帰ってしまう友達がゲームをしています。なのでちょっとしんみりでした。(また見送るのね・・・)

Crying Lighting

The first single from the upcoming third album of my favorite band was released on itunes today. Unfortunately I don’t have any itunes credit so I’ve been listening to it on BBC radio. It sounds quite different to their other older stuff. The song  has a very dark and heavy bass line to it and with the way it’s sung and its lyrical prowess, it reminds me a bit of a Nick Cave song. Can’t wait to hear the whole album.

A mate of mine in the guest is reading “Nineteen Eighty-Four” by George Orwell. I read it about five years ago and only have a vague recollection of happened in it. My mate keeps bringing up certain things that happened in the book and even though I did once know what happened it feels like he’s giving away the story, it’s a strange. Thats why I’ve taken it upon myself to once again read it before he ruins the whole story for me.



僕は思う渚は面白い 時々自分で云った事に独りで笑っている

頑い事を云うなぁと思えば 意外と融通が利く

訊かれたから話してるのに まったく聞いていない時がある






井の頭公園の春の桜景色や瓢箪池のボート 寝転べるベンチや週末の喧騒




日毎夜毎ラウンジに人は絶えず 暖かい場所と時間がここにはあると思う

一筋縄ではいかない面白い人達に出逢えた 大切な思い出も出来た

由って出るに出られず 後ろ髪を引かれ現在に至る訳です



my korean passion II

my japanese friend was laughing at me, “WHY? WHY JAPANESE? why you HAVE to use japanese as a tool to communicate with another foreigner??? i can understand if it is english, but WHY JAPANESE?????????!!!!!!!!”

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! i got cracked up SOOOOOOOO hard! it was such an interesting point that i have never even thought about! it is true, but to me, it of course it is natural, because we are in japan so of course we speak japanese, but yet, hahaha! さすが私の long time friend.

language is definitely a curse, to separate us, human being, and make us LESS united, as a whole, no doubt about it; however, in the meantime, by using different languages, we can also get some fun out of it.

always 2-sided story isn’t it?

like my classmates, some of them are “chinese”, well, when i am in foreign land, we are all “grouped” as chinese, cannot be helped, i am used to it, however, i cannot understand Mandarin, so i cannot talk to the chinese that speaks Mandarin since i can only speak Cantonese, as a matter of fact, 85% of the time, i had to talk to them in japanese … in here, i feel natural, but when my dad asked me, …

“you have chinese friends??? but … you cannot speak Mandarin~, how did you communicate with them???”

“i speak japanese with them, dad~”


it is at moments like that i realize what type of interesting/weird thing i have been doing~.


i am now listening to BIG BANG, their songs SOOOOO good. some of them. like  “Heaven”, “Baby Baby”, “Lie”. i do think the leader that made ALL of the songs is very talented. seriously. even though i have absolutely not even 30% of any interests in their appearance. oops, the friend that gave me the songs will kill me, haha.

my korean passion I

i am in japan, but actually half of my heart goes to the korean “something” hahaha. strange isn’t it? i remember the first time i met THE first korean friend in US, i got SOOO excited i could almost hear my heartbeat out loud. hahaha.

why do i like them so much? i guess it was years ago when i felt SOOO depressed, and i saw dbsk online, their story, was somehow very inspiring to me. i think, if they have never come to japan, there is quite a chance i might end up in korea instead of here. i have never been a “fan” of anyone in action, but out of some personal reasons i went to taiwan for dbsk concerts and end up not able to see them … -_- … it was the typhoon, very horrible, then i told myself, … u have to be kidding me … if you made it this way, i WILL see them in japan!

pissed me off.

but sarcastically speaking, even though i am in japan, i only went to their concert once, and not even care for their fan club, maybe i should join them, that would force me to read more japanese. i too laid back sometimes.

anyway, my point is, i am interested in koreans, however, i have a HARD time communicating with ones that CANNOT speak english, which, that is about ALL of them. ahha.

ya, so just now, i just talked to the friend that went back to korea from US, gosh, SUCH good feeling to talk to a korean that can speak BOTH english and japanese to me again, geez, but the ones here just cannot … i would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy if they can …








残念なことに、あの時はカメラを持っていないし、 暗過ぎのでケータイで撮ろうにもなかなか撮られなかった。


finally …

finally the level exam is over, and oh GOSH, i am just glad it is over, that is how i feel about it … so you can imagine how well i did on it … hahaha.

but it is ok, it is not like there is something waiting for me to HAVE to pass it otherwise half the world will be over.

there are PILES of crap waiting for me to do, countless of not-seem-to-be important things, but yet important enough to affect my normal life … like calculating expenses, redoing my stocks planning,  take care of the past due bills
in US, ya, sure, those xxxxxxx, hahaha, cleaning up my small room for real otherwise i would have to space to move, haha, LOTS of cleaning up, and the most important of all, get a job dude!

for the sake of my “会話”, please go get a part-time regardless of the pay, even though it is food-related, YAN SAN! hahaha.

nice. i really look forward to it. GOD BLESS US ALL.

anyway, i am really happy today. i was happy yesterday, i had a good time with my classmates, hanging around with them so silly-ly, but yet none of them got impatient like my friends from my previous school.

today, i had a good lunch with the THOSE 2 of them. hehe.












