nothing is black and white here, things are not easy. you have your dreams and goals, but more than half of the time, it was blurry. due to the negative effects around you and from your own fluctuating emotions due to the hormone problems that i have.
as we all should know, we should NEVER never, try to find satisfaction from another human being, no one, EVEN your lifetime partner, can also let you down.
i know this very well by my very own experience, people that are still fresh with relationships, or people that has higher tolerance or better luck or better personality to be born with, might not be able to agree.
but all the years i have lived, that is very true.
because, we are all imperfect. nothing wrong with it, everybody is like that, right?
no, there is something not right, but i am not going to preach here.
i am asking HIM for the strength, to let go of my easily-being-distracted characters, and just aim on the 2 main things that i want. LET GO.
Please GROW UP and MOVE ON. and ignore the small things once again, back to they way you are decades ago. the habitual thinking of holding on things are just too, way too NOT intellectual.
don’t be like the world.