when you are sad, you cannot eat. because 食べても幸せになれないです。
on the contrast, it can make you fat, or give you extra weight you do not want, and, the WORST thing is, it waste you money. the day when you are short of money, thinking back, you would be like, AH! i wish that time i did not spend the money on eating the same food over and over, or trying the food that turned out not even taste great or worth the money! 食べても、it is not like you have gained anything! and if you did not spend the money and ate those at that time, maybe you still have some extra 100,000 yen in the darn account, buddy.
とにかく、there you go, more photos of food.
why? because they are pretty. that is why.
it is the GREEN ONION 丼 from すき屋 again? it was wonderful. i LOVE GREEN ONION!
this is the 五目 flavor, but few sauce, few meat, 足りない感じいっぱい、まあまあ。the least satisfied dish from すき屋。
it was sooooo not enough i think i had to order the darn curry. -_-
this is just one of the little side dish from the meal 上司 treated us. it was interesting, but geez, expensive. thank you boss.
from 松屋。the tuna is good! the 質感 is wonderful !!!!!
OMG, this is something called ちゃんぽん or something like that, it just taste SOOOOOOOOO good, the crunchy noodles, the sticky sauce, ちょうといい!!!
申し分がない!それに、the price is perfectly great! absolutely not expensive! ^^
it is my recent favorite food!