

新しいコロナウイルスの大流行の真っ只中で、私が住んでいた生活に不満を抱き、日本の田舎の電子部品工場で1日12時間働いていました。弁解の余地はない から私は貯金を使って家を引っ越して新生活を始めることにしました。


このシェアハウスには、映画館、コワーキングスペース、設備の整ったキッチン、図書室、ジムなどがあります。そのうえに、国籍や性格の違う多くの人に会いました。 ここにいるみんなから経験を共有し、学ぶことができてとても感謝しています。

日本に住み続けることができるように、人生を変えて自分自身を向上させることにしました。 私の挑戦課題の中には、TOEICと日本語能力試験、そして120日間のフィットネスライフスタイルプロジェクトがあります。

また、シェアハウスに住むことを選んだことについても満足していますか? あなたの挑戦と目標は何ですか?

Local Info Yomiuriland-mae #1: Happiness Burger :)

Local Info Yomiuriland-mae pt.1

Happiness Burger #1

There are many shops and restaurants outside the south gate of Odakyu Yomiuriland-mae station, but what can you find around the north gate? Though fewer, there are very good restaurants and cafes on this side– that can be such a temptation on the way back to my sharehouse, Glan Yomiuriland-mae

People who come here for the theme park Yomiuriland usually take a bus to go straight to their destination, so they do not realize those hidden spots. So here we go, I am going to share the spots I’ve explored in this series!

From one minute from the north gate is Happiness Burger, an American-style burger shop. They have a variety of burgers, fries, drinks and snacks which I’m going to share in future posts. This time I’d like to share my favorite way of spending time there.

They have table seats too, but I usually like to drop by the shop after work, sit at the counter, and finish up work while munching on some yummyums. Currently because of covid, the hours are shorter (close around 8-9pm), but if not they will let you stay there as long as you want. There are some electric outlets and wifi (you do need to ask for the password however). More than anything, I like the coziness and spaciousness!

I stop by a few times every month, usually for a quick snack. Below is my favorite, Chili Cheese Fries (450 yen). The cheese is a little thick and sweet, chili isn’t so spicy, but when you are hungry and in need of quick remedy, it’s such a good way to fill your stomach! Look at this smily face, this one always puts a smile on my face too 🙂



Beginning in Spring

When I moved into SR Kichijoji, it was a cold February. Walking around the streets I could still see the mountains of snow that had been pushed to the sides of the pathways. Thinking back now, it’s hard for me to remember how cold it was then, since I am now sitting under my AC right now trying to hide from the Summer heat that’s outside. So far I’ve experienced two seasons here in my sharehouse, and it’s been so interesting to see the contrast of Spring and Summer in Kichijoji.


At the beginning of Spring, it was still cold; but you could tell people were starting to come out of their Winter caves. The grass was getting greener, the plants were suddenly bursting into a lush colour and everyone was waiting with anticipation as the cherry blossoms started to bud.


Indeed, cherry blossom season is one of the best times to be in Kichijoji. Just like the explosion of blossoms, people come and cover every square inch of Inokashira park. I feel quite lucky with my home, since it only takes me 20 minutes to stroll over to the park. Needless to say, I ended up visiting the park during cherry blossom season everyday. Just like all the visitors to Inokashira park, I too had caught sakura fever.
